PSR-S970 / S770 'Magic Dance' (Download)

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- Order number: 015204D
Registrations with Expansion Voices, Multi Pads and revoiced Styles: | ||||
Magic Dance Mix | Magic Synth Mix | |||
Magic Space Mix |
Expansion Pack "Magic Dance"
The Content of „Magic Dance“:
- 128 Expansion Voices
- 6 Drumkits
- 6 Registration Banks (48 Registrations)
- 150 Multi Pad Banks (600 Multi Pads)
- 140 MB Samples (AIFF linear)
"Magic Dance" offers a large amount of trendy and timeless content for Dance, Trance, Synthpop and other styles of electronic music.
The Samples and Expansion Voices contain a wide range of trendy Synth and Drumsounds.
The Pages P1 - P5 of the Expansion Voices are offering a quick access to Synthleads, Hooks and Synthcomps for the right hand (RIGHT1, 2, 3).
The Synthpads (P6) can be used for accompaniment with left hand.
The Arpeggiosounds und Percussive Synths (P7 + P8) as well as the Drumsounds and Slice Kit loops (P9 - P12) are mainly useful for Multi Pads.
The 150 Multi Pad Banks of this Expansion Pack are including totally 600 Pads – sorted by groups. Here you find an overview:
Mix Banks
- DanceMix
- SynthMix
- SpaceMix
- ComplexMix
Synth Sequences
- Dance Arpeggio
- Dance Chord
- Dance Mod
- Dance Lead
- Dance Bass
- Sidechain Compression Synthpads
- Complextro Synth & Bass
Drumgrooves & Loops
- Dance Drumkit Loops
- Dance Slice Kit Loops
- Complextro & Dub Step Drums
The 50 Mix Banks are some kind of „Mini-Styles“. They can be used as alternatively to or in combination with Styles. The four sequences contained in each bank are optimally matched and can be played simultaneously. It is very appealing to add the pads one by one and thus develop a dance-typical arrangement live. The Mix banks are built from individual pads of the "Synth Sequences" and "Drumgrooves & Loops" groups.
The 48 Registrations of this pack are using exclusively the Mix-Banks. Two adjoining registrations (A and B) are using the same Multi Pad bank. They create a Live performance similar to the popular performances of synthesizers such as Yamaha MOTIF or MONTAGE. While the "A" registration only plays Multi Pads, in the "B" registration Style-tracks are added. Switching between the registrations "A" and "B" is possible without interruption.
In all registrations, the parts LEFT, RIGHT 1, RIGHT 2, and RIGHT 3 (Tyros 5 only) are used with Expansion voices or, in some cases, with appropriate Preset voices.
The Styles assigned in the Registrations have often been revoiced with respect to the RHY2 (drum kit) and BASS parts. The use of the sample-based Expansion voices significantly changes the sound image.
In addition, some of the Style tracks were switched off with CHANNEL ON / OFF in favor of the used Multi Pads.
The used Drumkit loops have a length of 4 to 16 measures. They even contain fills and variations.
The combination of Expansion Voices, Multi Pads and modified Styles creates an amazingly authentic and extremely powerful Dance sound. In most cases the style assigned in the registration is hardly recognizable again.
ℹ️ Upgrade included!
With the order of this product you will get the versions for all compatible instruments of this series like PSR series as well as Tyros 5 and Genos on demand free of extra charge.
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